Posts tagged netflix

Netflix Stock Drops Almost 10%… Again
Sep 20th
Okay so I’ve been feeling a bit guilty for my posts on Netflix. I felt that maybe I haven’t been fair to them. Well the Netflix nightmare hasn’t ended. Today, Netflix takes another huge hit on their stock. I really didn’t think it could get any worse… More >

Surprise, Surprise, Netflix Takes Big Hit on Stock
Sep 19th
I wonder if Mr. Reed Hastings saw this coming 10 weeks ago. It was exactly 10 weeks ago on July 11, 2011, that Netflix was polishing and preparing to send out an email to their millions of subscribers the following morning letting them know of the price increase. At that time, Netflix (NFLX) had a stock price of $289.14 per share. The day after, on July 12, 2011, Netflix announces its price increase and failed at damage control. About seven and a half weeks later, Netflix announces that they’re losing Starz. At only 17 days after that, Netflix CEO gives his apology but with a twist in the form of Qwikster. So what do the shareholders think of this? More >

Netflix is dead – A letter from their CEO
Sep 19th
First Netflix increases their prices by 40-60% with no improvement in service. This price increase was rationalized as allowing for greater streaming content. But then Netflix announces that Starz will not be renewing their contract and thus they’re losing quite a bit of streaming media. But that’s not the end of it, Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, just sent an email out early Monday morning which I honestly thought was a joke and had to double-check its authenticity. What we all knew as Netflix is now Quickester… Quikster… or however you spell it (actually spelled Qwikster… a marketing fail in itself). More >

The Netflix Alternative: Hulu / Redbox
Aug 26th
Netflix gave us all a nice summer surprise with the announcement of their price hike. I’m personally going from paying $11.99 (*Blue-Ray) to $17.98 a month (a 50% increase). Well as a consumer I say no and here’s my alternative: More >